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Then And Now FAIL!
Prepare to witness a journey from pretty girl to hot chick to human sink plunger in only 7 years. It's a good lesson in the IS a limit to trying to look beautiful - OMG!
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Not hard to do if you're standing there with a fat dude wearing speedos, but when it's a female who looks like this, the game flips to nightmare difficulty...
Comments: 1
Seeing a sign like this hanging in the front window of the Apple store is, well, almost magical. Well done sir, sorry about the whole 'getting fired' thing.
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This car has been ghetto pimped to the fullest.. on a $10 budget LMAO!!!
Comments: 1
This picture was taken shortly before the young driver pictured was tazed, beaten and lumbered with trumped up charges. Just kidding, he's white. He just got a ticket.
Comments: 1,648
Also known as Walter White. If you're a fan of Breaking Bad you're probably already throwing fistfuls of cash at you monitor while you read this. I know I am.
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I doubt apathy is the reason it's not reacting to a total invasion of it's space. More like it is biding it's time and waiting for your concentration to be elsewhere. Cat owner, prepare to have cat shit on your bed!
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Looking out of your bedroom window at night and seeing a snowman might not be such a big deal, but you might want to re-evaluate your reasoning if you happen to sleep on the 2nd floor - WTF!?!
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This joke used to be about the magazines kept in your sock drawer. Thanks to the internet most of us don't even know what a magazine is anymore.
Comments: 4
Always good to have something handy in case you get peckish - I wish I had one of these in my fridge. The downside: fishy vegetables.
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It’s time for you to learn something for the day–Photo-realism began as an American art movement in the 1960s, taking photography as its inspiration.
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