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FIRST SNIFF (First Kiss Parody)
Behold, the astonishing beauty and joy of the moments when dogs first sniff each other's butts for the first time—and it's much more entertaining than seeing some actors pretend to snog for the first time to sell clothes.
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That amazing gymnast last week did an incredible exercise ball stunt. This is not him. This dude has a very interesting 'alternative' technique!
Comments: 2
Hummer must be getting desperate if they need to turn their cars into submarines as a sales gimmick.
Comments: 1
A bunch of wild monkeys invade this couples car and when the girl attempts to push one away the monkey pulls down her shirt and runs off.
Comments: 14
It's always amused me what people think about when they train at the gym, after all, it's just repetitive exercise that does not require much thought - In this guys case i reckon he's training to become a dolphin - WTF!?!
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It takes a pretty big leap of faith to say that these butthorns couldn't see this coming. Good thing no one was hurt.
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just be careful next time you go down to the waters edge - Guy decides to scare his friend - LOL
Comments: 1
Not sure what this guy had for dinner the night before, but whatever it was it’s given him some good propulsion. He might want to stay away from dodgy take aways in future.
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Not to add insult to injury, but plummeting before the roof diving ref's signal means an automatic zero from the judges instead of the zero he would've earned.
Comments: 20
A polar bear attacks a woman who was in the middle of a bathroom break. Someone should tell this polar bear that No means Noooooooooooooo!
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Yoda comes over all Danny from Withnail and I. Under that veil of Jedi mastery lurks a threatening drug-addled hippy bent on getting young Luke crazed out of his mind on rare herbs and prescribed chemicals.
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