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Sweet Victoria The Rookie
Having risen to the top of her game cute little Victoria switched webcam companies and now has the task of climbing to the top of the hottie tree all over again - With a look like that it shouldn't take her long!
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It's kinda cool to watch but for the guy doing it, it's the most amazing thing that has ever been witnessed by anyone. Even that hippy dude who saw a double rainbow. Also, he's doing SCIENCE so it's important stuff too.
Comments: 3
Invention of the century. I used to think flyswats were pretty cool until I clapped eyes on this badboy. No fuss, no mess, no flies. Just target practice and a few pinches of salt on the floor. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Comments: 2
Think about it, what could be cuter the Pugs reenacting Home Alone? Witness a fun pug filled spin on the classic Christmas film, HOME ALONE! When pug puppy Kevin is left home alone for the holidays, chaos ensues!
Comments: 2
I'd rather bury my face in his dog's tits, personally. It's not trying quite so hard and has three times as many nips. Nah, she's alright really. I bet you any money this ad was paid for by the kid in it.
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It just wouldn’t be Christmas without Will Ferrell as David Bowie and John C. Reilly as Bing Crosby, incongruously singing two different songs at the same time.
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Ever wondered why MTV don't really show music videos anymore? Well, there is an answer. A kinda long one, but you probably aren't going to like it. Mainly because the guy explaining it hates you. A lot.
Comments: 3
The Pokemon franchise finally snaps and spends some of it's monumental accrued wealth on bringing the games up to speed with late 90's quality 3D visuals. A brave move, but will it pay off? Do we even care?
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TV show 'Family Feud' just got interesting! Well, now it makes a lot more sense why he told his family 'Don't you worry 'bout that' when they asked what he'd do with his part of the winnings if they made it on the show.
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Somehow, a dog sensed the recent earthquake in Northern California before anyone else at this local news station.
Comments: 1
Rick Santorum making about as much sense as he normally does. You can't blame him for being a little out of sorts. He's probably just found out what his name means. If you haven't heard, try googling "Santorum".
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