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Cockroaches On Valentine's Day
Nothing shows your girlfriend you're unafraid of commitment like spending all day corralling cockraoches into a heart-shaped candy box.
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Finally, an instructional video on how to twirl nipple tassels. Take to the streets and rejoice, spread the word, grab the tassels, disrobe, and start twirling like your want to take off and fly!
Comments: 4
Fans of COD: Black Ops know that sometimes you need to go DEEP undercover to achieve your goals. And if that means getting all Mission: Impossible Tom Cruise to make sure people's hard drives are at the top of their game.
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Snowmen are usually pretty boring. Unless you lovingly sculpt them some genitals or decapitate them and douse them in fake blood, that is. This one has to be one of the greatest snowmen of all time.
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He's the sort of pet you could get if your skills at looking after animals really aren't up to scratch. The bad thing is that you get no sense of companionship. You know, the fact that they're actually the real thing!
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I don't think this cop understands that a hit and run doesn't require you to start running and try to apprehend the criminal. On the plus side, it's nice to see London has started deploying its fleet of T-2000s.
Comments: 2
When these guys signed up for military service, they signed up not just to protect us, but to epic fail too. As this compilation of the army shows, even the best trained amongst us can mess things up.
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Normally when watching a fail video of a kid on a skateboard you expect to see them crash and burn, landing in a wicked scorpion grind and coating the street with their facial features. This isn't like that though. Weird.
Comments: 1
In the world of sport FAIL is king! Female athletics just took two steps forward and a massive shoulder to the chest backwards. Proof that babes & alcohol do not mix well!
Comments: 1
I'm sure I remember this from a scene in Hot Shots. This looks a lot less comical and a lot more serious than I remember though. Still, at least this guy is from Turkey where they don't have to pay for all their medical care. being billed after this would
Comments: 5
He didn't need anyone's help putting the roof up, and he doesn't need anyone's help bringing it down. He may need someone's help walking into what's left of his house.
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