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Speeding Ticket
This picture was taken shortly before the young driver pictured was tazed, beaten and lumbered with trumped up charges. Just kidding, he's white. He just got a ticket.
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1648 Comments / Add Comment
If animals could text the world would be a much different place. Well, not really, it'd be pretty much exactly the same except you'd need to pay for your pet's phonebills as well as your own. F#ck that.
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Hacking is a serious crime with incredibly damaging real world consequences. Facejacking on the other hand might not be so serious but it's also much more amusing.
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Don't bother trying to do it on Facebook. Why do you have to go and get all existential on us Facebook??
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They look like ripe fruit waiting to be plucked from the tree of deliciousness, if you're tired of looking at them you are tired of life.
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Guess how much is spent fighting terrorism in the wars of Iraq & Afghanistan and guess how much is spent fighting cancer? Now guess how many people die of cancer a year & how many people die of terrorist attacks?
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This is a sure fire way to keep hooligans off your property! Unless of course they are a little kinky and looking for a good time.
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Everyone has naff pictures of themselves on facebook and this polar bear is no exception. It's kinda posed but at least he didn't do any of that high angle, duck pout stuff while squashing up his cleavage.
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A true Pokemon master is ALWAYS playing, always in the zone and refuses to relax his grip on the tounament whatever the temptation. Oh yeah, because of this he's still probably a virgin too!
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Now that Steve Jobs is out the way, every tech company in the world is bringing out the big guns and Sony have produced this pocket Vaio. But forget about the machine, just check out those fine rumps.
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Well, this must've been incredibly embarrassing, but why is he dating a girl with the same name as his mom? The Oedipal complex is strong in this one. Maybe mom's right, maybe he should cut down on the drinking.
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