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How To Recognize A Bad Neighbor
If you ever have a new neighbor move in next door and you notice this as his license plate, it might be time to put up the For Sale sign, or at the very least contact the FBI.
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This is a phrase that women use all the time but frankly I agree with Ashton. Until you've had to pee with morning wood, you don't know the meaning of the word.
Comments: 1,163
Young kids can easily be exposed to the dangers of drugs so it's always a worthwhile exercise giving them some good advice. Remember kids, don't buy drugs!
Comments: 0
Oh god please, somebody make this. A Tron series with a decent storyline, lots of ladyparts on display and violence aplenty. If there is a heaven then this is what people up there are watching.
Comments: 119
Like whoa! That is a big one, huge in fact, she'll be there all day. It's proper hairy though, if she doesn't trim it down now it's going to get out of hand. No one likes an unshaven beaver!
Comments: 0
For a company that doesn't actually "Invent" anything, just glues together other people's tech, Apple sure are getting huffy about anything that looks similar to their products...
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Just looking at this Facebook thread, these are either some advanced trolls, winding us all up or, tragically, it's real. In which case it's time to hang up your hat and give up on humanity.
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Those 4 words are enough to strike terror into any feline, maybe there's a chance to make a break to freedom through the catflap in the back door, or maybe fight the dog, anything would be better than water!
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Now where do we start with this? There’s a lot wong here. Firstly, the words ’sexual’ and ‘harassment’ should not be uttered in the same sentence when marketing a sex toy.
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Get ready for some total troll genius, a foolproof way to get a girl and live happily ever after - it's also 4chan advice that doesn't end in rape. I am impressed!
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Although I generally agree with her statement, I am a little confused as to the "Diet" part. What constitutes the diet version?
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