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It's Complicated
This is a phrase that women use all the time but frankly I agree with Ashton. Until you've had to pee with morning wood, you don't know the meaning of the word.
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Sometimes having a meme as your hero can have some distinct advantages, food for example! Those dumb humans seem to get a laugh feeding me a cheeseburger and saying "Can i has cheezeburger" whilst i get to NOM!
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I guess when you see a sign displayed like this you can't help break the rules by pulling out a camera and recording the event for those long nights in front of you computer :)
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There was a time, pre-internet, a place where a Sony Walkman meant you were a techno-king amongst men, when cosplay was the just fat men dressed up as Zelda. That still goes on, but now you get this too.
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Every guy would like to think they look like Ryan Gosling while they are driving, but most don't - Usually the most of us fall into the category of a dork who drives a yellow mini. Still, one can hope.
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Some kids will go to any lengths to get their parent's attention, sometimes it goes waay too far - "Will you give me attention now? What about now, am I interesting yet?"
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The internet consists mainly of two things, consider them the glue that binds the tubes together if you will. And those two things are cats and girls. And in this picture you'll find both. lolcatgirls.
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Want to get back at a flatmate for stealing last night's dinner and never obeying the cleaning rota? Here's how. With this little trick you can pee on their floor through a locked door and leave them baffled!
Comments: 3
Vampires age SO well. He doesn't look a day over seventeen to me! Maybe soon he'll finally get himself a piece, but just remember Edward, lay off of those love-bites!
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If you've ever had to suffer through a game of soccer you will probably know the feeling. Don't even think about going to get a drink because the minute you do, the only goal of the game will be scored.
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If you own a cat or have ever been in close proximity to one you know. Cat's are not shy about flashing the choco starfish. In fact if you're not careful they'll rub the rusty sherriff's badge in your face too.
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