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Apple's Legal Team
For a company that doesn't actually "Invent" anything, just glues together other people's tech, Apple sure are getting huffy about anything that looks similar to their products...
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Dirty Harry wouldn't have been quite so cool if he had come face to face with Dustin Hoffman as he failed to go full retard. Your move, Clint.
Comments: 0
It don't matter how big you are, size is totally unimportant in these circumstances, it's all about what you do with it...oh, and of course what color it's painted!
Comments: 0
You know from the very first moment you see this cute little fella' that you 'have' to take him home and love him.... Then you read the small-print - you never go full retard!
Comments: 0
Ryu really has a way with the ladies. He gives them a savage beating, cusses them off & then tries to get their digits in under 10 seconds! You really can't blame him for trying. You'd do the same.
Comments: 1
Hold on to your hats, gaming just got serious! Welcome to the future! All you will need is a feeding tube and you will never have to move again. It's like heaven in a toilet cubicle.
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Don't let your eye be distracted by the three hotties in the front of the picture posing in just their underwear. Off in the distance is quite possibly the greatest superhero costume ever created.
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Now all they need to do to make this totally awesome is kidnap a woman, dress her as a slave and chain her to it.
Comments: 4
It's kinda like looking at one of those impossible triangle things, except it's a bloke's legs. If you can pull off this pose, you are guaranteed to get so much tail...
Comments: 486
Sure, it's a worthy cause but the video makes it all a bit too simplistic. Like Kony is the only bad thing in the region and everything will be sunshine and light with him out of the picture. Either way, trolling is always lolz.
Comments: 2
Wow, the view of the lake from the roof really is rather nice, in fact i could probably sit up here all day and watch this vision and feel completely satiated.
Comments: 6