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Meanwhile, In India
It's kinda like looking at one of those impossible triangle things, except it's a bloke's legs. If you can pull off this pose, you are guaranteed to get so much tail...
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It takes a certain amount of gamer skill and natural talent to pull off a stunt like this - I reckon these 2 soccer star wannabes have totally nailed it!
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It don't matter how big you are, size is totally unimportant in these circumstances, it's all about what you do with it...oh, and of course what color it's painted!
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This pup chose to foster a few bunny babes.
Comments: 3
Looks like Barbie has checked into a Hollywood plastic-plastic surgeon as some comparison shots from the 90's to present day show. Problem is she was pretty much all plastic to begin with!
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Not even sure that this is actually a photobomb, just an amusing juxtaposition of sentiment. Taken at one of the many "slutwalk" protests. I think both of these are opinions I can get behind.
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I don't think poor Lance would approve of these two books being side-by-side, but it does give us all a good laugh!
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So long as you noticed this little prank before you began the evacuation of the happy fudge tunnel, you might be alright. Otherwise it's gonna get messy...
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God i love a good 'cocktail', the preparation in mixing the different liquids, the right amount of ice, the pouring of the finished liquid into the right glass......*WAIT!?
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Dancing is pretty boring. At least this nerd has something to read while he's doing it. Should have brought an Asimov or two...
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I was really hoping the book would be about the colour grey and the varying shades that it could be, their names and such. Instead it was just pron. Pron for moms. Gross.
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