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Have You Met My Friend?
You know the scenario, you are at a party, doing the social thing when all of a sudden someone comes over to you to say 'Hai', does some social pleasantries and then introduces you to their 'friend' - OMG!
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If Jack was as bad at drawing as I am at Draw Something that car would never have gotten a sweaty back seat. On the upside he might have survived the boat going belly up, without a babe to hog his driftwood...
Comments: 0
Lets face it, who needs more than these 3 basic essentials to lead a good life? And if that isn't convincing enough it has the endorsement of none other that Mr. Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jnr. Your argument is invalid!
Comments: 0
This takes the concept of an overly attached girlfriend to a whole new level. Also, why the hell did she choose that font? It's butters, yo.
Comments: 7
Eat out! Thanks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! You are always looking out for our kids and teaching them all the important life lessons!
Comments: 0
Ok, so when is the one time you can show pictures of your naked child to another adult and point out and laugh about his penis? Think about it if it was a dad with his daughter, something is rotten in the state of Denmark here!?
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This girl has the hairiest arms I've ever seen! Could you imagine what her legs must look like? Yikes!
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Prepare to witness a journey from pretty girl to hot chick to human sink plunger in only 7 years. It's a good lesson in the IS a limit to trying to look beautiful - OMG!
Comments: 2
He was a truly great man, a giant ampongst us mere mortals. The saviour of our planet. All praise Steve Jobs & thank you for the first-world gift you have left for us eto use and revere you with.
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You get to sit around all day completely naked with $50 in your pocket. Sounds like the best job in the world to me. The only way it could be any better is if you were allowed to get drunk while 'working'.
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Isn't it funny that when someone comes up with a great idea that it's the exact moment that someone else see a way to totally improve. I'd definitely wait for the V2 model :)
Comments: 4