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Reality Glitch
I've seen stones being stacked up and balanced on one another, but coke cans? that's definitely new. I wouldn't be surprised if this was fake. I couldn't recreate it, at least not without spilling coke all over my desk...
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It's not enough to walk around with a boring plastic bag any more, to stand out from the crowd you need to be busting a bag that makes heads turn. Or maybe it even features a turning head itself. This are plastic bags 2.0.
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This picture was taken shortly before the young driver pictured was tazed, beaten and lumbered with trumped up charges. Just kidding, he's white. He just got a ticket.
Comments: 1,648
So what does this mean? What kind of inside code could "wash hands" be? I heard it could be something drug related, but I can't be sure.
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Just looking at this Facebook thread, these are either some advanced trolls, winding us all up or, tragically, it's real. In which case it's time to hang up your hat and give up on humanity.
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It doesn't matter how big or small the fish is, the first one you catch always makes you feel like this. You feel like an angling god. Even if you just caught bait.
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Always good to have something handy in case you get peckish - I wish I had one of these in my fridge. The downside: fishy vegetables.
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Some kids will go to any lengths to get their parent's attention, sometimes it goes waay too far - "Will you give me attention now? What about now, am I interesting yet?"
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If only life were this simple. Someone really needs to figure out the whole portals thing as soon as possible. We could easily solve most of life's problems!
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If you were bored at home & posted an update to your FB account that if you got 300 likes you'd go into school the next day dressed in a dress (boys only) with full make-up, would have the balls to actually do it?
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You know the look, you see it every day and every time you wonder, "why does a pretty girl want to make herself ugly by doing that?". The answer my friend is one that you will never understand, so don't try to figure it out.
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