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Gay Marriage
If you're against it then you're an idiot. Like these people. In 40 years time you will look like nothing more than reactionary rednecks who take their religion far too seriously. Which you probably are...
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You know the scenario, you are at a party, doing the social thing when all of a sudden someone comes over to you to say 'Hai', does some social pleasantries and then introduces you to their 'friend' - OMG!
Comments: 359
Lets face it, when it comes to 'certain' things chicks have a totally different perspective than dudes on how the world works. Some of these examples will make sense to any guy who has ever been in a relationship with a female.
Comments: 5
Gummi bears. Food of the gods. If only there was a way to combine their inate deliciousness with the inebriating power of hard liquor. WELL NOW THERE IS!
Comments: 0
Yeah, you didn't really handle it, did you, Tom? I saw Jurassic Park, and I wouldn't say any of those dinosaurs were well handled. Sort it out, dude.
Comments: 0
Sometimes having a meme as your hero can have some distinct advantages, food for example! Those dumb humans seem to get a laugh feeding me a cheeseburger and saying "Can i has cheezeburger" whilst i get to NOM!
Comments: 0
The trouble with being 'man's best friend' is that you also become 'man's young daughter's best friend' and have to do stuff that was definitely NOT on the pet manifest. The shame.
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Is it cold in here or is it just me? Do you ever get the feeling that the temperature just dropped and you need a visual reference to verify it? I can't stop staring... Her eyes are just that mesmerizing!
Comments: 1
Because what could elevate your Christmas cheer more than painstakingly replacing every last light bulb on the christmas tree, one by one? Nothing. That's what.
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There's an emergency in the building and you have to exit fast, only problem is that to get yourself free means smashing something to bits and the little guy doesn't look too happy about it!?
Comments: 0
NO, you are not dreaming, or maybe you are, depending on what your current relationship status is at the moment? BUT. If i was to wake up to this every morning i'd be set for life - WOW!
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