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Chick Backflips Off Cliff
A cute chick jumps off a cliff but rotates a little bit too much ending her dive in a perfect backflop that you just know will smart. I just hope she hadn't been sunbathing that day - OUCH!
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There's nothing like the face of a guilty dog who knows they've been caught. You're faced with a dichotomy because you want to show them a disciplinary tone but at the same time that puppy dog face just wants to make you grab them and kiss them.
Comments: 9
This must’ve come as a bizarre surprise to this Welsh farmer. One minute he’s growing a giant swede, then next he has the most stoned man in the world calling him asking for advice, about growing 'plants'
Comments: 0
Another superhero reboot that looks to be going down the emotional self pity route. First emo Spiderman, now emo Superman. My money is on a rapid reboot of the avengers next where they're all riddled with insecurity and self doubt.
Comments: 85
Wow this chick has the skills to pay the bills, well maybe not but she can peel a banana with her feet which is pretty damn cool.
Comments: 0
As police chases go, this one’s a doozie. It’s not just running, but cartwheels, backflips, epic jumps, and street performances. If only police chases were like this in real-life, it’d be much more entertaining than flashing lights.
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Caution: Genius at work here. A great clip of the late great comedian Patrice O'Neal quantifying the worth of caucasian females. The scary thing is that his logic is SO sound that it's scary.
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What do you get if you mix parkour skills, circus skills and a fat dude sitting on the toilet? Awesomeness, that's what. Although it sounds like the perfect recipe for failure the whole really is greater than the sum of it's parts.
Comments: 1
The guys at JstuStudios do a brilliant prank and take to the streets to pretend to pull ridiculous items from unsuspecting members of the public's hair, like pineapple's, baguettes, watermelons and more.
Comments: 1,946
This is the only time you don't have to really worry after the condom breaks.
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You might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks but this doesn't apply to cats. Kaiser is great with my rats, enjoys going on walks, playing in the bath tub and he thrives on doing tricks!
Comments: 4