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Kaiser the Amazing Bengal Cat
You might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks but this doesn't apply to cats. Kaiser is great with my rats, enjoys going on walks, playing in the bath tub and he thrives on doing tricks!
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Another video from Weebl and another riddle wrapped up in an enigma and lightly drizzled with a WTF reduction. If you want to see shrimps and prawns playing glockenspiels and xylophones though, you're in luck!
Comments: 5
A group of Americans sample and describe a variety of unusual international liquors and generally convulse with revulsion: they include bacon vodka, yogurt liqueur, scorpion mezcal, and chili vodka.
Comments: 6
Uber-mega-LOL-tastic!!!! The only serious factor about this military man-love mania is shouldn't they be patrolling the base or neutralizing some enemy scumbags?
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The new innovation in getting fit & shaping up hits the gym, ok, it does look like you are indulging in a power-fap & maybe it is best not to do it around other guys, but hey, it's all in a good cause, right!?
Comments: 1
Naughty little Ginger shows off her NICE oiled up body to celebrate the season.. any excuse for an oiled up babe in a webcam video is a good excuse if you ask me!.
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Just eating a giant poisonous insect, no biggie. Once EpicMealTime threw the gauntlet down when it came to calorific heart-exploding concoctions, YouTubers had to take it the the next level. Er… nom?
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In the far east there obviously aren't any FAA laws. A Chinese made rocket is launched within just a few miles of this commercial airliner and is caught on tape by one of the passengers. SCARY!!!
Comments: 5
A new piece of Banksy graffitti has been discovered in Libya and the locals are very excited about the implications for the future of their country and all the resultant tourism...
Comments: 5
Look at you, look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your fleshy shell and the thinking mind behind it.
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In case you're wondering what the song is, it's Thy Art Is Murder - Whore To A Chainsaw. You're probably kicking yourself now, right? That was on the tip of your tongue. The drumming cat prolly just made your mind go blank.
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