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Weird International Liquor Taste Test
A group of Americans sample and describe a variety of unusual international liquors and generally convulse with revulsion: they include bacon vodka, yogurt liqueur, scorpion mezcal, and chili vodka.
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Now this is my kind of co-driver, swearing like a drunk sailor in a storm who's just stubbed his toe. LOL
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It's great to see that this pig can still get around despite only having his two front legs. What did Orwell say about '4 legs good, 2 legs bad'? It's all invalid when you think about how delicious he will be.
Comments: 1
Apparently this gathering of overpriced luxury automobiles has broken a world record. I'm not sure exactly which one. Maybe the record the the largest number of teeny tiny penises ever gathered in one place?
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I can imagine that this is how Otto Man from the Simpsons would drive the school bus if he was given half a chance. I'm certain Bart would love it.
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And this is why you shouldn't stand too close to the track during a drift competition, because if you do you may end up getting hurt—although, it was the last clap that created this incident. Never clap more than once.
Comments: 5
You know the score, a cute chick who's had one too many to drink - Time to move in and ask her to dance, just don't make it anything too complicated - OUCH!
Comments: 1
The Barely Political and The Impression Guys’ Ross Marquand run through a whole galaxy’s worth of impressions. From Han Solo to Jar Jar to characters you didn’t even know were in the Star Wars universe.
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Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy is long, like way loooong, so what better way to experience them all than by watching all the deaths crammed into a six minute video? That’s what’s happened here. Enjoy.
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Super chick FAIL!- This is what you think is funny if you go to a catholic high school.. - LOL
Comments: 123
They say they're trying to do some professional stuff.. Maybe they should get some professional equipment. LOL
Comments: 2