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Tree Removal 101
This aint the first time you've seen it and it wont be the last but you just gotta luv the ownage!
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Celebs hate people being mean to them. If you're going to tell Larry David to shut the eff-up, then you are a braver man than most—just hope you don't bump into him in the street.
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Note: You don't actually have to combine your bike and your ramp for it to be considered a bike ramp.
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If you thought there was any chance that jumping off this exercise ball wouldn't end in utter failure for this cat, you don't watch many internet videos.
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And you thought February had got away with it, but no, here is the roundup of all the people who had a bad month. Will the internet ever get tired of seeing people fall over and injure themselves? No, no it won’t.
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Acting clearly isn’t as easy as it looks. Especially when you have to portray 10 different things all at once. Playing a half-man half-bat in underpants is a doddle compared to what poor Justin has to do.
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With the right household items and just the correct application of limited braincells, this ordinary bottle becomes a face-seeking missile - I guess it's a good way for kids to learn - LMAO!
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Kittens have a storied history of misadventures with mittens, and this is just the latest chapter in the story. STOP GIVING KITTENS MITTENS!
Comments: 2
Tropical storm Jimena raged through Baja California this weekend, and this guy accidentally does an in-depth report on the nasty runoff puddles the storm created.
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A bank robber in Ohio tries to catch a break by eating the note that he gave a bank teller threatening to shoot her if she didn't hand over some money. Funniest destruction of evidence ever.
Comments: 8
Family Riding Motorcycle Taken-Out By Speeding Pick-Up Truck - OUCH!
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