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The Pterodactyl Song
A collaboration between TheOatmeal and a budding songwriter ends in awesomeness when they create this delightful little abomination. Sounds like the kind of thing Jack Black would sing about.
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Even though Christmas has passed, one lovely lady still shares the spirit of giving. How sweet.
Comments: 1
You can always rely on George Carlin to not hold back, so here he hilariously asks "Where are all these goofy f*cking boys' names coming from?" And it's a really good questions, where the heck are they coming from?
Comments: 0
REPLAY - a game designed for the new generation of soccer addicts! All you need is a ball and a wall and some slick Ronaldo stylee moves! Get out there and give it a go!
Comments: 0
A cute chick is priceless - Finally, an insurance that understands women. - LOL
Comments: 38
It comes to something whena member of the animal kingdom has a smartphone & not only that but it knows how to use it. I’m sensing some fake/gay comments could be thrown at this as it just seems to incredible to be true.
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The Castlevania video game series is being adapted into an adult animation. The series will premiere this year on Netflix and is written by Warren Ellis, with director Adi Shankar and Adventure Times' Kevin Kolde also involved.
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You know you live in the ghetto when your local ice cream vendor drives round in a low riding pimped out ice cream truck and blares Does Your Chain Hang low as lound as his speakers will go. Kudos.
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The one thing that all comedians dread is the heckler who is funnier than they are. Having the crowd on your side is everything. Luckily for this guy he manages to pull an awesome come-back out of the bag. BOOM. Headshot.
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Signed up for your iPhone 5 yet? No? What’s wrong with you? Maybe this super-banned (that’s, like, much more banned than a normal ban) promo will get your juices flowing enough for you to spend you hard earned cash.
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If you're the kind of motorist who gets all worked up when a cyclist wheels their bike across a crosswalk or through a red light then this little beaut is really going to grind your gears.
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