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How To Win Back A Crowd
The one thing that all comedians dread is the heckler who is funnier than they are. Having the crowd on your side is everything. Luckily for this guy he manages to pull an awesome come-back out of the bag. BOOM. Headshot.
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Wow! Who knew the Wu Tang Clan we so big that they now cater from deaf people. But what i want to know is, does she know the lyrics or is she off the cuff translating them as she hears them?
Comments: 2
Millions of Moscow residents observed a unique cloud formation yesterday. Scientists from the city’s weather forecast service were quoted saying their was nothing special about the formation and it was just an 'optical illusion!
Comments: 21
I love the way your brain has a way of protecting your dumbness - Later: "Dude, remember the time you almost pulled off that back tuck?" "No."
Comments: 2
So, you're the sort of person who's too lazy to take their pants down when they need to poop? Well, then frankly you don't deserve to live. But because you do, then get this giant nappy suit & get mocked everywhere you go.
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The Slow Mo Guys, Gav and Dan, head to Alabama to show you the mechanical workings of a fully automatic M4 Carbine with holographic sight as it fires 30 rounds in just over 2 seconds.
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Where has she put that finger? Is it in just her hair it's touched, or has it been anywhere else? With a woman doing this, it's hot, but if this was a man, it would be disgusting and I'd be puking up my pancreas by now.
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America's latest salvo in the attempt to take over from Japan as the world's leading exporter of WTF. It's like crufts but way creepier. Awards are handed out for the randiest leg loving canine. Weird.
Comments: 84
Production on Two and a Half Men may have shut down, but that doesn't mean that Charlie Sheen has stopped taping.
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Usually an advertisement trying to recruit students to a college makes you want to spoon out your eyeballs in the first five seconds. Not so this, it features a teleporting god who looks like your weed dealer.
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Did you ever meet a cat that could sing? No? Then you obviously weren’t looking hard enough because LOOK! Here’s Salvador singing his little cat heart out. And for those of you that are going to call fake on this, shame on you.
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