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Showoff Boxer Gets KO'd
An American soldier in Panama City fancies himself as Rocky Balboa, prances around the ring for an hour or two before squaring up to a guy named Bolo. This was his first mistake of many. "Bolo" is not a name to f#ck with.
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This must be the cutest war to ever have been fought, if fought is the right term for confused felines reacting to a remote-controlled robot who flings discs at them. The Singularity just got a lot more adorable.
Comments: 83
Tiny bird is sick of listening to a large tiger growl all day so he attacks him and the tiger fall on his side and shuts up.
Comments: 3
This girl's split-leg collision was clearly an accident, but that didn't stop the dumpster from bragging about it to his friends later.
Comments: 9
This feline has taken to the sea like a fish to water, more evidence of their world domination plans. This little guy seems happy as a pig in poop, paddling around while his owners catch him some dinner.
Comments: 1
Sometimes a crap workout is enough to make you explode - This is enough to turn me away from public showers forever. WTF
Comments: 32
NO, it’s not Lindsay Lohan as a child, but a toddler on holiday. Babies may look all cute but just you wait until they get a few beers inside them then they turn into one of those angry drunks.
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She's half Vietnamese, half French, & all hotness. Those lips could float across the Atlantic. Bee stung? More like inflatables, forget a life raft you just need her with you when your ship sinks.
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This redneck scientist has just discovered the fastest way to give your self a serious spinal injury! He manages to go from naught to whiplash in just eleven seconds. To try this yourself all you need is a car and a length of rope!
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A ginger man casually pours milk over a young lady's ample cleavage. Normally, that wouldn't be art, but give it a cool soundtrack and get some interesting cinematography going and upload it to vimeo: BAM! Art.
Comments: 1
Before he punched Snooki on Jersey Shore, Brad Ferro got his clock cleaned in an amateur cage match. He got 'snookied' before the term was invented.
Comments: 2