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Shitty Day at the Gym
Sometimes a crap workout is enough to make you explode - This is enough to turn me away from public showers forever. WTF
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Shot at regular speed it looks like a flash of light. Shot at 7207 frames per second you can see what's really going on. The branching of the bolt as it searches for somewhere to discharge itself.
Comments: 2
Instead of the bleeps and blips you're used to hearing when playing Mario or whatever, this puts in some music that makes much more sense with what's taking place up there on the screen.
Comments: 0
You may think Barney & Fred are the best of friends; a couple of normal, stone age buddies who like to hang out and drink beer and fart. But don’t get on the wrong side of Barney, because he’s an aggressive little badass.
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After seeing Mrs. Doubtfire recut as a horror someone decided that it would be fun to recut the terrifying psychological horror Insomnia as a romantic comedy. You, sir, are a freaking genius.
Comments: 3
Although his sneak attack has failed miserably, he still retains the element of surprise. Everyone will be surprised if he can get up and walk. (Does he say "I blew it?")
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There's nothing funnier than someone whose opinion of themselves and their abilities exceeds the disappointing reality. Uzzy is such a man. At least his bravado acts as a sort of cautionary tale...
Comments: 5
Kangaroos can be feisty little animals and it's surprising no one's made a video game beat 'em up starring them—until that great day comes we'll have to make do with this hilarious and alarming video.
Comments: 5
You can find dancing machines of all makes and models in this compilation. I'm going to level with you, though, many of them are old and in need of repair.
Comments: 19
This poor dude gets dropped with a direct hit to the balls. Now I know this hurts but I am not sure I could ever be in enough pain that it would be ok for my trainer to massage it to make it feel better.
Comments: 1
Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars' hit "Uptown Funk" gets a makeover and is sung in the styles of characters from Family Guy, American Dad and King Of The Hill in this new vid from impressionist Mikey Bolts.
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