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Street Fighter: Kangaroo Edition
Kangaroos can be feisty little animals and it's surprising no one's made a video game beat 'em up starring them—until that great day comes we'll have to make do with this hilarious and alarming video.
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If there’s one underexposed area of the slasher genre, it’s murderous, rampaging baked products. But this film’s looking to change all that. And as if psycho cookies isn’t amazing enough the film also stars Gary Busey.
Comments: 1
No doubt you've so much talent you're overwhelmed by it, leaving you an inert slob stagnating in front of a computer screen - It's time to stand proud & show the world the creative slob you really are.
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A power lifter attempts to bench press roughly 700lbs but his hand slips off the bar and breaks his chest bone.
Comments: 1
Hanging out in zero gravity with cats & blowing their tiny feline minds is always fun. Scientific experiments on cats have never been so much fun. Well, except for the cosmetic testing. Nothing's funnier than cats wearing lipstick.
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Great. The great wall is never going to get built as long as this guy is ruining all the bricks.
Comments: 6
Ever seen a dude in a Mini pull a wicked backflip? Watch this and then you can say that you have. It's pretty impressive stuff, even if he did have to tweak the suspension on it a little bit...
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This is what happens when you pay the guy living on the benches on the sidewalk to paint the benches on the sidewalk.
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Danish archer Lars Andersen is continuing a tradition of master archery that stretches back centuries. Many of the skills have been lost in the fog of time, but Andersen wants to make sure they don’t disappear forever..
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Two of these guys are sporting moustaches and have no problem handling rugged terrain on their longboards. One does not, and his wipeout is all but inevitable.
Comments: 16
Losing your dignity on the internet, because of a freaky-looking woman on your computer screen is the height of lamewad chic. This guy should be proud of himself, because there's just no better way to go.
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