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Lighting A Fart: Girl Torches Butt
Sometimes people do things for reasons we may never fully understand. And FAIL! We can confidently tell her the burning sensation goes away quickly, but the reputation lasts a while.
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With the world in ruin: What to do? Well, just look to Japan, they may’ve been devastated by a tsunami and near nuclear meltdown, but that won’t stop them producing retina-popping music videos. All hail them.
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We've seen plenty of burnouts end with a fire but we've never seen one that actually starts with a fire. Rodney Waters HQ sedan goes up in flames right from the start at Kandos. It's crazy insane.
Comments: 3
Looks can be deceiving—because while this old guy might look like he's frail and past his prime, he's as dangerous as anyone in the ring. Just watch him totally beat the crap out of this poor young guy.
Comments: 539
The one thing that all comedians dread is the heckler who is funnier than they are. Having the crowd on your side is everything. Luckily for this guy he manages to pull an awesome come-back out of the bag. BOOM. Headshot.
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This deer learns at the top of his jump that he no longer has the legs to clear a six foot fence.
Comments: 5
Canoeing isn't something I've ever realy wanted to do. Fast flowing water full of sharp rocks? No thanks. These guys show off how cool it can be while confirming my decision to never ever try it for myself.
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The chiefs (chefs ?) of over-eating turn their hand to eating characters from fondly remembered cartoons from your childhood. It involves bacon, as you can imagine, and also the cooking and butchering of real turtles.
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Danielle Staub, that insane woman from Real Housewives Of New Jersey performs her single “Real Close”, some hideous dance remix that makes me want to drown myself in my morning cereal - OMFG!
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He takes the time to turn a Millenium Falcon toy into a fully functioning guitar but doesn't learn how to play the theme from the Mos Eisley cantina? WTF man, and you call yourself a fan!?
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This is like the "300" of cat fights. It has tons of action, fierce fighting, and you really have no idea what is going on most of the time.
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