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Kid Walks Right Through Spinning Hoop
It's good to know your daughter has a real talent. She learned early on that her options for getting her parents' attention were going to be limited to finding a pole to dance on.
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Another indispensible video guide from YouTube's BlackMoonCGI, showing the easiest way to avoid being flattened by an oncoming train. Sure, it won't work in all situations, but when it does work it's pretty damn cool.
Comments: 19
Ice hockey is a tough game at its tamest, but what about if you add a touch of the unexpected...OMFG!
Comments: 0
Old gold here. You've quite probably seen this before but that doesn't mean you won't want to see it again. I saw it first time round and I still love it. I could watch this on repeat all day and not get bored.
Comments: 1
Turning the staple beverage of tramps the word over into a posh, well-to-do drink wasn't very hard. Luckily for tramps though, cider has now also become the new word for "Alcopop" so there's still plenty of cheap ones.
Comments: 3
Celebs hate people being mean to them. If you're going to tell Larry David to shut the eff-up, then you are a braver man than most—just hope you don't bump into him in the street.
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One dude's well-orchestrated marriage proposal goes down in flames. Protip: The food court is apparently a great place to take your girl on your first anniversary.
Comments: 6
Most people in front of the camera these days are pretty lame. Thank god for all of the awesome people behind it that are more than willing to have a laugh or two at their expense, even risking their jobs by doing so...
Comments: 2
She's more than a bombshell, she's a nuclear miss(le). She's so hot the sun gets jealous. I'd love to penetrate her defences with my pocket rocket :)
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Using some sweet Dragon Ball Z action figures, YouTuber Jordan Tseng created a stop-motion fight sequence between Goku and a top-heavy Super Saiyan Broly. And things get wacky pretty quickly.
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Ever wanted to play an accurate simulation of the exploitation of impoverished Chinese factory workers? Regardless, someone has gone and made one. Also, it comes with an awesome Nintendo power glove rip off! WOO!
Comments: 2