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Justin Balder
I really hope he does go bald, and soon. It's no more than that Donny Osmond looking douchenozzle crooner deserves. LOL J/K, I love him. Got all his albums. <3
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He fits!... barely
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Just like there is no need to hide the fact that you are gay, who needs to be modest about playing some of the biggest roles in film history?
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We were probably doing stuff that was just as stupid when we were kids, except we have fond memories of it so it doesn't seem weird to us...
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Just remember - NEVER take your eyes off the ball :)
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There's quite a bit of controversy going on right now whether or not to legalize gay marriage. If they don't like it, why do these straight people keep having gay babies?!
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Remember that cute little TV show Tellitubbies that your kid brother/sister/YOU used to watch, can you recall the baby sun that used to shine over them? Well, prepare to feel very old my friend!
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What can one do when one is surrounded by peasants, especially peasants who try to poke one’s wife through the open window of one’s Rolls-Royce. Bloody rotten ruffians, what?!
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In the kingdom of the geek the girlfriend'd one is king. Yeah you can have a +999 Fire Sword of Dragon Testes but when your buddy's rocking up with a hot babe, then no form of +nerd power can beat it.
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I initially thought this was a typo or the result of someone in a back room somewhere playing a prank. If it is for real though, that's pretty harsh...
Comments: 10
It's a frightening fact but if you are the father of a 9yr old daughter then the chances are you WILL have to take them & her friends to a Justin Bieber concert, it's only a matter of time :(
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