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Harsh But Fair
I initially thought this was a typo or the result of someone in a back room somewhere playing a prank. If it is for real though, that's pretty harsh...
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Imagine using the rest room and see this staring at you from across the room, watching your every move. You'd have the cleanest bathroom that anyone could possibly hope for. fear him.
Comments: 5
There are load of people out there who's virginity is permanent. This chap is one of them and if you even look at his V plates with a glint in your eye he'll run you through with his Swiss army knife.
Comments: 0
It's great to go out to dinner, you and your partner, bottle of vino, lovely steak, maybe some seafood to start. You can't help but have a good time, just don't try and reserve a table at the local crematorium.
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This joke used to be about the magazines kept in your sock drawer. Thanks to the internet most of us don't even know what a magazine is anymore.
Comments: 4
This applies to the olympic football, but also to football in general, especially if you're not really a fan. To some of us it's the most tedious game ever invented.
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It's painfully sad but entirely true for anyone out there with a full-time job or currently studying at school. The only comfort comes when you retire, or die, whichever one comes first :(
Comments: 5
Sasha advises to floss regularly to get rid of all those hard to reach oral infestations, she's obviuosly a professional who takes her work very seriously :)
Comments: 2
At long last, the time has come to start using those corny one-liners again. this time you can deliver the final punchline if it goes wrong - GENIUS!
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Nature is truly a strange fruit - Someone has finally found a use for those dumb-ass fingerboards, YES!
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While some people will still support baseless prohibition, nobody can disagree with this. Lego is awesome, and so are drugs. This is a marriage made in druggy heaven.
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