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The Circle Of Life
It's painfully sad but entirely true for anyone out there with a full-time job or currently studying at school. The only comfort comes when you retire, or die, whichever one comes first :(
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What makes Papa Smurf happy? Smurfettes of course! Just present him with an innocent little Smurf chick and you'll see a wicked grin develop on his face before you can say "Run girl....RUN!!!"
Comments: 3
Wow! What a nice tight perfect butt! Someone please comment and tell us who this hottie newscaster is!
Comments: 4
You can try this for yourself, all you need is a dog, a shaver and some googly eyes. TBH though, a shved dog looks weird enough without the googly eyes...
Comments: 1
There was a time, pre-internet, a place where a Sony Walkman meant you were a techno-king amongst men, when cosplay was the just fat men dressed up as Zelda. That still goes on, but now you get this too.
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Always good to have something handy in case you get peckish - I wish I had one of these in my fridge. The downside: fishy vegetables.
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Every guy would like to think they look like Ryan Gosling while they are driving, but most don't - Usually the most of us fall into the category of a dork who drives a yellow mini. Still, one can hope.
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Hey you! Yeah you, working away there. Stop what you're doing and follow what this shoe shop sign's telling you to do. And if anyone questions your perverted activity, just show them the sign and tell them to join in. Fap.
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You really have to ponder here "WTF were they thinking?". Maybe when your kids are playing a bit too rough you should take them here and scare them absolutely straight. Or die!?
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Something tells me that this vehicle's title is something of a misnomer. It should be called the furious locomotive or the IShallHaveMyRevengInThisLifeOrTheNextmobile.
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I think she should be the next to run for the first female president. She's definitely got the experience part down.. -LOL
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