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Iron Maiden - Harp Trooper
When Eddie finally bites the dust and his undead bones are laid to rest this is what the angels will be playing as he approaches the pearly gates. Assuming that is, that heaven is where he's destined...
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In the music business there iss no peace and harmony behind the scenes its claws out bitchin all the way !
Comments: 6
Okay, so this video has been floating around the youtubes for about a year, but goddamn it, it still totally gets me. Not sure whether it's the awesomeness of his saxophony or the size of his cojones...
Comments: 1
It's not often you get to see a woman of this caliber cavorting nakie by the side of the road, trying to flag down a willing ride. If i was driving past I wouldn't even hesitate. I'd hit her....with my car - OMG!
Comments: 316
His mom gives him the nod, “The camera’s pointing at you son”. And that’s it, he’s off owning his 15 minutes of glory up and down the steps - This is as close to spontaneous genius-tastic as it gets!
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Remember the Charlie Bit My Finger video? Well, someone's taken said video and made it all zombie. Finally. So the term Charlie bit me takes on a far more sinister tone as the undead hordes come to devour the flesh of the living.
Comments: 1
Rap was a newer musical art form back in the 80s and people didn't know what it was. Thank goodness these kids came around to explain it. Now you can hit the streets and get your cred!
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As hurricane Bawbag ravages Scotland one worried resident films a lamp post as it sways gently in the gale force winds. Then; TRAMPOLINE! TRAMPOLINE! The only thing that would make this better is a plastic Gregs bag...
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I bet it was never like that when his grandfather drove a Panzer? Would it be too ironic for him to threaten that someone's head will roll?
Comments: 2
Key & Peele show that, contrary to what it looks like, there is a way young black men can escape racism. Unfortunately though it retreating to a fictional universe.
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Wow - this totally makes steam engines cool again!!
Comments: 24