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Trampoline! Trampoline!
As hurricane Bawbag ravages Scotland one worried resident films a lamp post as it sways gently in the gale force winds. Then; TRAMPOLINE! TRAMPOLINE! The only thing that would make this better is a plastic Gregs bag...
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It’s tough being a gleaming beacon of excellence when you’re surrounded by shoddy halfwits who couldn’t do their jobs if it was organising a piss-up in a Jack Daniels distillery.
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The tragic arc of Misery Bear’s life has come to this. He’s turned to desperate measures. Will it have the desired effect? Or will it all end in some cyborg robopocalypse type scenario?
Comments: 0
Proof conclusive that all good things come to an end, in this case quicker than anyone expected! This went from a really cool idea to a really stupid idea in near record time.
Comments: 28
It was really only a matter of time...Proving once & for all you don't f#ck with a pink pony! An intense mashup of the dark, brooding, cinematic audio from Starcraft 2 & equally dark visuals from My Little Pony.
Comments: 3
There's nothing funnier than someone whose opinion of themselves and their abilities exceeds the disappointing reality. Uzzy is such a man. At least his bravado acts as a sort of cautionary tale...
Comments: 5
This is what happens when you pay the guy living on the benches on the sidewalk to paint the benches on the sidewalk.
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Remember that carefully wrapped packaage that arrived all bent out of shape? You know what, we think it might be time to stop using shipping altogether. Just look at how they treat these items, not any f*cks were given here.
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So, the tagline from this sprite commercial translates to "Things may appear different up close". No idea what it has to do with sprite, but thanks for the night terrors, guys. You'll be receiving my psychiatrist bills shortly.
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I'm sure (like me) you've sat at your computer eating pizza and felt a sudden rush of envy every time you see some dues who is sporting a very cool sixpack and cried into your Coke. Well, turns out we ALL have a pack under our fat!
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Sometimes you have to go that extra mile to get that 'special' shot. Unfortunately, the cameraman is probably going to have to erase that tape unless he wants video proof that he crapped his pants - OMG!
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