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Sexy Sax Man
Okay, so this video has been floating around the youtubes for about a year, but goddamn it, it still totally gets me. Not sure whether it's the awesomeness of his saxophony or the size of his cojones...
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It's not easy being this guy. Not only does he desperately need a little emancipation and a few solid hours sleep, but also MOUSTACHE. It's not easy being him, due to large quantities of MOUSTACHE.
Comments: 80
There's a reason these people are moving so slowly & it's not just to freak stoners out. It's so when it's sped up they look a like Neo in the Matrix, if Neo was in an art collective that looked like a bunch of circus rejects.
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Don’t panic, there were no cats hurt by lasers during the filming of this video – They were set to ’stun’! They suffer from something called Myotonia Congenita where the sufferer faints without warning.
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There's funny....then there is total NOT right - Spoof off Kissed a Girl... uh WTF
Comments: 2
This is what happens when you have a hands transplanted with ninja hands. With the right hands and a little bit of training it’s even possible to scratch your butt faster than the human eye can detect.
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Now this is one very brave dude, trusting his life (and family jewels) to a female with a golf club. But even on a tough shot like this, she gets the job done with one stroke.
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Well, we never find out exactly what the wife wants to do with the money.. - LOL
Comments: 2
When the Game Boy came out it seemed like a device from the future, now it looks like a relic from a bygone era. Imagine what the youngsters of today will make of this once proud and cutting edge device.
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I bet its a pretty safe bet that even with snow on the ground this guy would of still wipeout on the jump.
Comments: 2
Drew Bezanson is back at Joyride 150 Bike Park, kicking ass and taking names. Even if you don't know anything about BMX riding, you can appreciate the skill that this kid has.
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