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Pool Launch Chick FAIL
Always expect the unexpected. When it comes to girls, they usually get a headache before wrapping their legs around this guy, so in a weird kinda way this is really a step up for him.
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A great little mashup that seemlessly blends the intro from Cheers with the original trilogy of Star Wars films. Not the prequels, because nobody wants to go to a pub where they let the likes of Jar Jar Binks in.
Comments: 6
My bet is the store owner probably isn't that fast and was bluffing in hopes he wouldn't have to chase the skater
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Time for some major adorbz. Animal of the day! This dog should market its talents and become rich. However, dogs don't understand capitalism and market value, so that sucks for the promising pooch.
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Gardening is usually pretty boring. Not when Picard’s around. He cares fervently for his lilies, has a potty mouth and he’s packing heat. Best. Gardener. Ever.
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When you turn around to see three heavily armed enemies, guns trained on you, there's only one thing you can do. Wait for the hail of bullets. Well, that and quickly ride your MAV to safety. God speed, brave sniper!
Comments: 2
A pilot doesn't pick up enough speed before attempting a water take off and crashes hard just feet away from the camera man.
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I'm not great at math but I can tell the product of that equation will be AWESOMENESS. The stretchiness of a prophylactic versus the raw power of a mentos and coca cola explosion. Which will win? Place your bets now!
Comments: 1
Most people like to hear a good singing voice. Seal REALLY likes to hear a good singing voice. So much so that he'll even start to coax the tadpoles on live TV like it was some kind of involuntary action. The dirty perv.
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What it lacks in complexity it more than makes up for with efficacy. All it requires is a cherry bomb and a box of matches and a mate who can take a joke and (if possible) has a spare pair of underpants.
Comments: 2
Internet Explorer was the standard browser to begin with but things have changed a little since then. So these developers tell us what they think about it and how excited they are to start using IE 9. Total fantasy!
Comments: 46