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Rouge Squadron - Cheers
A great little mashup that seemlessly blends the intro from Cheers with the original trilogy of Star Wars films. Not the prequels, because nobody wants to go to a pub where they let the likes of Jar Jar Binks in.
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Thank GOD thay have stopped manufacturing these demons of the road - Definitely doesn't help quell the stereotype that all Hummer drivers are jerks. Pretty good odds the driver is wearing an Ed Hardy t-shirt.
Comments: 2
This poor guy didn't even know..-LOL
Comments: 6
Cute little kid picked up a word she heard Mom yell one day and now it's her favorite word. This is a clip of her using that word to tell Dad she doesn't want to eat any more dinner.
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Watch this guy unleash his, and then go see if you can beat him and roar yourself a new one!
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Japan has been the World leader in WTF? for generations now, so it only seems fitting that they bring that particular set of skills into the world of web camming!
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She’s the new face of Armani’s new scent, but…that….toe. No one’s denying Megan Fox is pretty, of course she is. She’s had surgery to reinforce that fact. But that toe thumb, that is slightly creepy,
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Nature is a very curious thing, forget the birds & the bees, this summer it’s all about the ‘birds & the Tweets. Ornithologists say birds are most active early mornings and late afternoons… But can our species out-Tweet them?
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Sometimes all your best thought out plans go top FAIL! Slipping, falling, and then running away was the only way this dude was able to maintain the element of surprise with this prank.
Comments: 16
So you thought you were safe did you? It’s a mad world, but that doesn’t really affect little old me. WRONG! Fiction just became fact. The cyber wars are here, to set off nuclear missiles like Syknet.
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It's a flying machine and it's spherical. That might sounds a bit stupid but that means it's good for traffic and parking is a breeze to boot! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Comments: 8