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Feline Needs
cats might seem laid back but there are some things that they just can't live without. In most cases it's whatever you happen to be eating or cooking while they are in the same room.
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It's pleasing to see the youth of today taking global warming seriously. Good on you, being kind to mother na....oh, wait. Turns out you're a total douche instead. Well done.
Comments: 2
Cooking soup might sound pretty easy, but in reality it's a pain in the ass. This tin tells the truth about the process, from it's appetite suppressing beginnings to it's unimpressive finale. Anyone for soup?
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It either feels like the developers at Facebook had some monthly quota to fill for UI changes, or one of the lead programmers got made redundant half-way thru his latest project and decided to go out with a BANG!
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I just hope like hell there's at least a gas station or two along the way, this could be a very long trip!
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Lets face it, who needs more than these 3 basic essentials to lead a good life? And if that isn't convincing enough it has the endorsement of none other that Mr. Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jnr. Your argument is invalid!
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In answer to the question posed in the title, it appears the weed is at this guy's house. It looks ordinary from the outside but inside it's a dealer’s perfect lair with a forest of plants and escape route tunnel. Impressive work for a stoner.
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Obama has a very weird effect on teenage girls - WTF !?!
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Seeing a sign like this hanging in the front window of the Apple store is, well, almost magical. Well done sir, sorry about the whole 'getting fired' thing.
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Sometimes the truth really hurts, even if it isn't very creative! Someone needs to make the reply into a stencil and annotate each bit of graffiti
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This is such a blatant double-entendre that it makes you wonder if maybe she subconsciously meant to post it - LMAO!
Comments: 4