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Dat Feeling
Most guys don't know how good it feels to take off a bra after a long hard day. There are some however who do know the feeling. This guy is one of them.
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I doubt apathy is the reason it's not reacting to a total invasion of it's space. More like it is biding it's time and waiting for your concentration to be elsewhere. Cat owner, prepare to have cat shit on your bed!
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Now this is the kind of job i would really aspire to getting, but i think i'd have to gain some sort of troll-like status first. Yeah, yeah, we all know that kids love him, but is he worthy of their praise or a total D-bag?
Comments: 1
It's been a while since we've seem or heard from Falkor the luckdragon. Well, he's back and it looks like the V-Tech just kicked in and this dog/dragon is loving it!
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When it comes to the threat of competition and dominance from another species us humans are none to keen on the wannabe pretenders to the throne. But when it comes to hamburgers...well!
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Back then it had a silent 'y' and was actually pronounced yogging. And you could only go if you took two hot chicks in skimpy clothes with you. That was just how it was back then, go ask Ron Burgundy if you don't believe it.
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Stuck for a stocking filler present for the little 'uns this Xmas Well, don't despair because it seems there's a big recommendation right here for some good wholesome family entertainment. They'll scream with joy!
Comments: 5
The government has us all in the palm of its collective hand... instead of president, Obama should been elected to the office of pivot man... A lot more people would pay attention to politics if this happened more often.
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The canon of European art is lauded, and rightly so. It's got some fine fleshy paintings that can stir a man's heart. But you can't help thinking it could somehow be improved. And it can, by adding cats.
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If you were bored at home & posted an update to your FB account that if you got 300 likes you'd go into school the next day dressed in a dress (boys only) with full make-up, would have the balls to actually do it?
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My God, you could rest your beer on there and maybe your whole dinner too. That's the sort of ass-et a man would climb mountains & swim shark-infested seas to get a peek at.
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