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Cat Milk
Wait, you mean that this milk I'm drinking hasn't been freshly squeezed from a feline teat? That's disgusting! I demand to see your store's returns policy!
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I just hope like hell there's at least a gas station or two along the way, this could be a very long trip!
Comments: 0
Most guys don't know how good it feels to take off a bra after a long hard day. There are some however who do know the feeling. This guy is one of them.
Comments: 1,242
Since when did Hogwarts get so many hotties? I'd love to grab my magic wand and cast a spell on these three wannabe witches and create the best foursome the world has ever seen. If you need me i'll be in my bunk!
Comments: 0
Well, let's make sure we don't get the STD this dude's got..OMFG!!!
Comments: 0
Sure, having an underground crime lab and parking garage sounds cool, but nothing is ever as good as it first seems. Especially when bat poop is involved...
Comments: 14
When your hair becomes a bird it's time to seriously re-evaluate your current 'do'. If all else fails, reach for the clippers and shave it all off. It's for the best.
Comments: 0
Yep, it's just a bunch of pipes on an industrial estate, nothing to see here. Or is there...Looks to me like two iron giants are getting it on, even if their technique seems a little rusty. I'd tap it.
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Whatever your career job there is no way you will attain such on-the-job satisfaction as this dude. As soon as this dude retires I'm getting an application sent through right away!
Comments: 2
Yeah, this pic pretty much sums up the Republican hypocrisy. Less government involvement in business, but they have no problem with the government telling us how to live!
Comments: 3
For some reason I believe the caption. I feel as though I'm looking into the face of a young Jeffrey Dahmer!
Comments: 1