Breaded Cats
We've had planking, owling, and batmanning. Now those weird internet types have come up with another craze that will be sweeping the globe. Cat breading. Sounds ridiculous, is ridiculous, is also pretty funny.
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Ample assets & toolbelts, nurses with burgers, nakie barbecues, ample assets & bigger lagers, bikini car washes - They're all here and they're all pretty dreamy...
Comments: 0
They are out there. Waiting. Looking for any oppertunity to get into one of your personal photos and spoil them with their own special brand of posing. Be it a weird face, body part, or god knows what. Fear them.
Comments: 0
What is it that makes certain female celebrities stick out from the crowd, they all seem to have something in common, but i just can't seem to put my finger on it is....I probably wouldn't be allowed to anyway.
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Just when you think you have framed the perfect magic moment along comes a petulant photobomber to ruin it for you and make his/her/it's day at your expense. Treasure these very special moments!
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It's strange, yet so a strange way - You get what i mean! A gallery of images that are undoubtedly beautiful and also so strange that some of them look almost alien.
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It's been a long week (isn't it always) and now it's all over for a few days, so what better to do on the eve of the weekend than party-party-PARTY! Chicks & beer are always good to try & boy, chicks know just how to do it SO well!
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Do you ever wonder sometimes that if there is a god, why in 'his' name did he only make the weekend last for 48hrs? I mean, i know we are meant to spend Sunday honoring his existence, but that leaves no time to look at stuff like this!
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It's time for the Monday experience to hit you once again, except, it's Tuesday, because yesterday you were out celebrating the life of Jeebus & today you are nursing a killer hangover. I'd suggest a large dose of this.
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With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
Comments: 6
Two of my favourite things on the planet together at last. And a few of them seem to actually know how to hold them. The question is can they handle guns this big? A few of them look like they've had lots of practice!
Comments: 6