Breaded Cats
We've had planking, owling, and batmanning. Now those weird internet types have come up with another craze that will be sweeping the globe. Cat breading. Sounds ridiculous, is ridiculous, is also pretty funny.
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Goes to Christina Hendricks! Thank god someone is trying to bring back this awesomely curvacious look!
Comments: 1
Girls, can't live with them & certainly can't live without them, but why stop at just 1? We have searched high & low on the internetz in order to compile a collection of cheeky cuties doing things that we all love them to do :)
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Now these are the kind of costumed crusaders you would want around to save you from peril. Lets face it, it's a dangerous would out there and you'd need them close 24/7, even when you went to bed. Just to be 100% sure.
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You will NEVER regret spending a day marveling at God's wonderful creations, the cool water on your body, the soft sand beneath your feet AND the overload of beautiful beach babe butt in your face - DAYUM!
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A delightful collection of birds in hats. And before you say it, yes, I know they are photoshopped and you can tell by the pixels!
Comments: 223
"Houston, we have a problem!" - Cute chicks have invaded the planet earth - BUTT, it's all good as they are insistent in displaying their rather fine rear assets for anyone who cares to look!
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The wonderful thing about Facebook is the ability to troll and comment on your friend's intimate dirty laundry, so not only do your buddies find out, but all those people you've not spoken to since High School too.
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So you wanna get an iPhone and be cool, hell, why not! Just as long as you read the 'Small Penis'....DAMMIT, 'Small Print' when you txt - Just be prepared to suffer the perils of Apple's auto-correct technology.
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In a busy world such as ours it's no wonder that FAIL stares us in the face all the time, yet we fail to see it unless someone points it out to us. Once we have seen the wonder of subliminal FAIL it can never be unseen.
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The age of the self-shooting sweetheart is definitely upon us with a fine display of intimate self-portrait perfection. Forget the lighting, the background and just concentrate on the superb subject matter.
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