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Boat Crash FAIL
An eager boat captain comes into a beach landing a little too hot, tearing up his boat and tossing him headlong into the sand.
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Sometimes a man's gotta do what an idiots gotta do. These five awesome videos feature five Daredevils who love to test fate and risk it all, more or less.
Comments: 59
It's not that he's especially partial to the gays, but he's definitely partial to their money, so he'll say whatever it takes to secure their continued business, even if it means male tables dancers. Wow.
Comments: 122
It's been done before but by god this is awesome. A couple of knowing looks from the master of the universe, a zoom in on his furry pants and a montage of him working out, all to the cheeseball sounds of LMFAO. Genius.
Comments: 1
A tiny dwarf hamster called Chicken explores a handmade playground and dares you not to find it cute and adorable even though you usually hate these kinds of videos—you'll powerless with this one, so just enjoy it.
Comments: 1
When people say life's not like a video-game, they’re talking shit. Life IS a video-game as guy proves, taking out hackers left, right and centre with awesome head shots. BOOM!
Comments: 0
If you enjoy games like Sumotori, and QWOP even if it's just to laugh at how awkward and ungainly it looks to play, then this could be another instant classic. Complex surgery, with the flapping hands of a full blown retard.
Comments: 2
There's trolling and then there's this, which is humiliation, but then these guys are surfing Chatroulette in the hope that they'll see some bewbies, when all they're get is guys' johnsons and men in bikinis.
Comments: 85
This guy was spotted in Paris trying to make ends meet by showing off his mad skillz with fans, balls and an unlit fire staff. It's a good job the fire staff wasn't lit or he might have burned some of the onlookers that weren't there...
Comments: 0
This prop malfunction during a rendition of "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" leaves the guy in the pillory facedown on the floor, where it's got to be very difficult to look on the bright side of life.
Comments: 0
Dressage may look like, totally gay, but then again!? If you put it to a hip hop sound track it opens up a whole new realm of hipness & hilarity. Now all we need is some breakdancing.
Comments: 1