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Hip Hop Dressage
Dressage may look like, totally gay, but then again!? If you put it to a hip hop sound track it opens up a whole new realm of hipness & hilarity. Now all we need is some breakdancing.
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It might not sound like an enthralling match, but it turns out better than you might think. If in doubt, never put $$$ on a cat. They are unpredictable & smart enough that they probably have money on the fight too...
Comments: 10
This must be a pretty advanced calculator if it's capable of running a rudimentary version of Portal. Yeah, you'll still totally fail that math exam, but at least you can have some fun while you fail!
Comments: 36
Finally, an instructional video on how to twirl nipple tassels. Take to the streets and rejoice, spread the word, grab the tassels, disrobe, and start twirling like your want to take off and fly!
Comments: 4
Gummi bears are pretty damn tasty, but I think if I actually WAS one I'd have to draw the line somewhere and chewing through your own delicious, fruit flavored leg seems as good a place as any to draw it...
Comments: 0
Just when you least expect it, the world's most pikey bakery swoops in to add lolz to an otherwise tedious interview. There never has and never will be an interview that wouldn't be improved with a plastic bag.
Comments: 1
If you’ve spent your entire teenage years getting ripped to the eyeballs on MDMA powder in Ibiza while mainlining whiskey into your ears, then this sort of behaviour just goes with the territory really!
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Carl's obviously been at the peyote again, because he's making about as much sense as a Wookie on Endor. He's making less sense than that whole Justin Bieber Paternity test. Sounds delicious though...
Comments: 1
Watch freestyler Cam Zink perform an epic 360 step down from his perspective, which looks pretty scary so good job you're viewing it through the safety of your computer. Which is just about bearable.
Comments: 2
If you want to hire someone you can run over, throw off a building and generally beat the living crap out of, you could do worse than calling this guy. Here's a preview of what you can do to him if you hire him.
Comments: 1
What fresh hell is this? Spiders are solitary killers no more. If Attenborough is right they’re now hunting in packs. Yes death awaits us with hundreds of pairs of mandibles and glue shooting butt-holes.
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