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FIRST SNIFF (First Kiss Parody)
Behold, the astonishing beauty and joy of the moments when dogs first sniff each other's butts for the first time—and it's much more entertaining than seeing some actors pretend to snog for the first time to sell clothes.
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Even scarier than a Jimmy Saville pumpkin and more douchey than a Dane Cook Pumpkin. Yes, there's only one likeness that you should carve into you pumpkin this year if you want to explode the creep factor. David Cameron.
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If you're into your Blizzard RTS games, then this one ought to raise a bit of interest. It looks like there's some more space themed fun flying your way in the form of the Heart Of The Swarm expansion pack.
Comments: 1
Felix BumGardener's legendary jump has now been immortalised in Legos. The highest accolade that any act of dare devilry can expect to receive from the people of the interwebs.
Comments: 2
Call Me Maybe is catchy but to make it truly memorable they should have recorded it being sung by a couple of lasses from Tyneside in the UK. This version is memorable, possibly the greatest thing a geordie has ever done!
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Most of us have got digital cameras these days but let’s be honest, how many of the different functions do you use? Well thankfully this guy’s come along to show us what all those weird functions mean.
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BirGirPall breaks from his usual M.O. to bring us his short but informative review of the second Guild Wars game. I get the feeling he might be missing the point a bit, but if you were expecting a great pig simulator, brace yourself for a shock.
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Trolling isn't just about being rude to someone or saying something to piss them off. It's about finding a way to get under their skin that even they didn't know about. Finding their buttons and pushing them. Hard.
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Toast might not sound like something you'd need a video totorial to help you to cook, but this is no ordinary round of toast. It's jammy toast, then taco toast, then English toast, then fake nutella toast. Serious business.
Comments: 25
This has to be the most awesome car chase I've ever seen. The only car chase ever choreographed to not actually use a single car! As if that wasn't enough to clinch it, there's lots of beer too!
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A cliche that has appeared time and time again in a whole bunch of your fav films. And, if you needed any proof of just how ubiquitous the phrase is, then it’s here in this supercut.
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