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Cockroaches On Valentine's Day
Nothing shows your girlfriend you're unafraid of commitment like spending all day corralling cockraoches into a heart-shaped candy box.
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Yeah, very clever. All these kids are so smart to make a helicopter out of a blue container. Nice one. Now try flying it across the Atlantic. INSANITY!
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If you’re unfamiliar with the local dialects of the British Isles, then let voice coach Andrew Jack school you in their diversities - where people sometimes even sound a bit drunk.” LOL
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Holy crap this is the William Tell of the 21st century! If this had gone wrong it would have hurt like crap but at least he would have got a good black eye.
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You might be able to get away with this stuff in front of Luigi, but real people aren't quite as understanding as a fictional plumber's brother and colleague—why not try out the stealth box trick and see for yourself.
Comments: 1
It's good to know your daughter has a real talent. She learned early on that her options for getting her parents' attention were going to be limited to finding a pole to dance on.
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Cats are scumbags. This much we know. But just how scummy will they be? Well, scummy enough to push a flatmate down the stairs. That's registering pretty damn high on my scumbag-o-meter. Well played, cat.
Comments: 8
Jimmy talks to Morgan about his Science show, Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, but they don't discuss normally, instead they suck the helium out of balloons while they chat, just, well, because.
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Because changing lanes normally is just so goddamn dull. Sometimes you have to mix it up a little, lay some rubber and pray you don't end up in a ditch, on fire. Someone get this man a cookie, stat.
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This kid recorded girls' hurdles at his school and added commentary. Girls have so many obstacles they have to overcome in life, and this little kid will be laughing at them every step of the way.
Comments: 5
The sun is shining, it's toasty warm out and your bikini is two sizes too small. TIME FOR A BIKE RIDE! She's gonna jump on her huffy, go for a ride and have her pervy friend film the whole thing, zooming in on the best bits.
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