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Whose Line - You Asked For It!
Whose line is rich in improvisational comedy gold, but some are better than others. This one totally ROCKS. This is the "You Asked For It!" Edition with all of the suggestions coming from members of the studio Audience.
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In 38 seconds this dude goes from completely bald to a very full head of hair. Every time you think he can't possibly have any more hair, bam...more hair.
Comments: 0
It's a simple prank but one that works hilariously well here - All it takes is a bit of patience - But the best thing about it is this guys face when he gets scared, absolute gold.
Comments: 4
Local authorities warned bikers and runners to stay away from Chicago's Lake Shore Drive. They were all warned about gale winds, huge waves, and Yakety Sax but chose to try their luck anyway.
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An amazingly skilled stunt pilot loses one of his plane's wings during flight and manages to land it safely without causing himself or any of the onlookers any damage or injury—chances are it's totally fake though.
Comments: 2
If you are gonna impress a crowd then make it something BIG & dangerous, people like to think you might die. He flips over a guy in a wheel chair & builds up to clearing a Honda NSX going pretty damn fast.
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So, the royal wedding happened. You may’ve missed it because you were sunning yourself on the shores of Lake Como, driving a speed boat around and supping beer in the Mediterranean heat — but it happened.
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It's a simple game, all you have to do is name 10 things that aren't Skrillex. If you manage it then you win. If you don't then you're subjected to a blast from the man himself while you opponent goes all weird and evil.
Comments: 12
A young Canucks fan takes the crowd by storm with his kick-ass dance moves. This little guy got to meet Dan Hamhuis after the game and get a signed jersey as well.
Comments: 2
It sounds like a recipe for disappointment, but they're actually pretty darn cool. They're not as bright and flash as the night-time ones but considering you can watch them in sunglasses while getting a tan, they ain't bad.
Comments: 2
This is John Webster's entry for the last chance auditions for Canada's Got Talent. Apprently voting has now closed, but fingers crossed this guy has won his place. he's got some tidy bike skills.
Comments: 5