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Vinyl Cat
Cats are cute and seeing as you're on the internet reading this you're probably a fan yourself. here's a video of one doing the cutest thing a cat can do: attemping to do something that humans do.
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Some chicks are hawt, but this is extreme! The Etowah County Sheriff's Office has released this chick on bail after she accidentally set herself on fire while pouring gasoline and igniting her boyfriends car - WTF!?!
Comments: 3
This is quite possibly one of the craziest proposals ever, and it has all the cliches: It's heartwarming, they see fireworks, and the girl says yes when all signs point to "RUN!"
Comments: 4
A little protip on this one, if you look really really closely you'll notice there are people dressed in black moving all the stuff. Yup, as incredible as you thought this guy was, it's actually just a trick. WIld, huh?
Comments: 6
Is she crazy because she doesn't have a boyfriend or does she not have a boyfriend because she's crazy? It's not really a question you want to go upto her and ask.
Comments: 1
There are certain things you should do on a first date and certain things you shouldn't. squeezing out a silence piercing trouser trumpet solo falls into the latter category. Here's hoping he didn't hear it.
Comments: 150
Don't have time to eat that corn-on-the-cob the old fashioned way? want another use for your Black & Decker power drill that will impress and amuse your friends? Combine those problems and craft one awesome solution!
Comments: 102
If i was in this situation every water-based disaster movie would come to mind - The Captain's response is probably something you don't want to hear while bouncing in rough seas in the middle of the ocean.
Comments: 3
It's weird, but when women enter into a man's realm of FAIL it's much funnier. This girl tries to use a grocery cart to achieve flight, but fails with a spectacular nosedive, landing right on her twin engines.
Comments: 1
I wonder if the victim ever figured out the truth.. LOL
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Poor unsuspecting New Yorkers were recently terrified by an animatronic remote-controlled baby that was on the rampage around the city - when people when to check on it, that’s when it pounced.
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