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The Truth is Out
Well, someone should have broken the news to this little boy ahead of time..
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Yes, fire is the best idea when you need to focus a camera..LOL!
Comments: 1
You've seen all the Photoshops of sad Keanu. Now we have Keanu Photoshopping sad Keanu himself!
Comments: 0
After looking at the graph you are suddenly struck by the fact that you are not alone in your thoughts about the subject at hand. It's kind of a good feeling that it's not just you!
Comments: 5
Our grandfathers watched their buddies die face down in the mud so that future generations of men could dye and spike their hair, wear pink wigs, and prance about like a limp fairy.
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We were probably doing stuff that was just as stupid when we were kids, except we have fond memories of it so it doesn't seem weird to us...
Comments: 0
Books, remember them, they were made from trees and had pages that contained words, you read them, turned the pages and a story would unfold. Weird, right? They really don't write them like they used to anymore.
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This chick must REALLY like her Disney movies. If this is an actual tattoo and not merely painted on she's got some impressive pain threshold too. If she makes a good sammich too, I'd hit it.
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Yeah, this pic pretty much sums up the Republican hypocrisy. Less government involvement in business, but they have no problem with the government telling us how to live!
Comments: 3
When your food starts to communicate with you as you dine with your girlfriend, you know you've found the girl to stick with for a while. Either that or you are on some serious medication.
Comments: 1
Thankfully telephone ordering has only been about for a few of the 1000's years he's been alive, but rules are rules: You can't be a jedi knight if you can't order a pizza. it's the law.
Comments: 5