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The Cool Kids
Hanging out with the cool kids. It's something that everyone wishes they could do but statistically very few will ever achieve. You'll probably end up hanging out with a bunch of flid-handed weirdos.
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This guy seems to have hit the nail on the head. Whatever it is you're doing, you can romanticize it by adding a little bit of candlelight. Maybe also rose petals.
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Being an atheist's pretty cool, you can laugh at religious people and do what the hell you like without any superstitious fear of divine retribution. But then when you die, it's a bit of a bummer.
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They should make a combo movie, Die Home where a child policeman fights burglar terrorists, but make sure the cute kid gets killed in the first scene!
Comments: 4
What more could you possibly want from a plastic figurine, i can see hours of fun ahead. It comes with six ferral looking cats & features "die alone" action and "insane ramblings" voice effects!
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If you're gonna do something rebellious, then make sure you do something truly hardcore to sick a paw up at the system! Mind you, this mutt probably can't read anyway!?
Comments: 30
Yeah, Ariel was kinda cray-cray. If I was in his shoes I would have ran a mile. unless she was one of those fish parts on top, lady parts on bottom mermaids...
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There's something to be said for keeping it in the family, except when it comes to girlfriends and sex - Even when you are sharing a last name and being 14 generations apart...doubtful!
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Seriously, WTF, who buys phallic garden fountains like this? Well, at least the water doesn't come out of the top of it!
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This is just like Inception, but with a focus on urine instead of, you know, that other stuff. Just think of it as Pee-ception. And thank God, there's no annoying bit about a dead wife, or kids, or Leonardo, etc.
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If you're anything like me you probably think that religious artwork could be massively improved with a few Family Guy references throw in there. Guess what. POW. Family Guy Jesus lolz. Enjoy.
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