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Surprise Touchdown
Sometimes words cannot come close to describing an event - This is the greatest goal throw ever. LOL
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It's not often you will find a rapper who is this forthcoming with his nerdyness. What next, Dan? Dan bull is back to profess his love for the blocky build-em-up in the form of a catchy rap.
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It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times. It was the eve of two girls play fighting on a bed, and it was a night of two girls knocked out on the floor.
Comments: 22
Everyone enjoys a good slide down a badass helter-skelter. Even dogs. This one looks like he enjoys it more than most. He can barely contain his excitement. Probably more about the treat he gets fed than the slide though.
Comments: 2
This kid just demonstrated the quickest way to deflate a pair of balls
Comments: 3
What’s this? Hot twins getting crazy with the funky stuff all over each other? But it begs the question, would you? You sick filthy degenerate, I know you would. It’s a welcome break from your right hand anyway.
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Now this is taking a bit of summer time fun to the next level. Rope swing to 60 ft quadruple back flip into water. The amount of things that could go wrong here are countless. Mike Wilson proves that he is a god amongst lesser mortals!
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We've all been to Luzaville at some point in our lives -- it's 5am the narcotics you ingested are now a distant memory of stomach pains and spangled lips. All that's left is to board the night bus and drink yourself into oblivion.
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The Juba dance or 'hambone', is a style of dance that involves stomping as well as slapping and patting the arms, legs, chest, and cheeks - The redneck girls can't keep their hams, er, hands off this musical genius - WTF!?!
Comments: 3
These Long Island kids have the best parents ever and you can see why from the amount of fun they're having sledding on a homemade backyard luge that's so good it's depressing for anyone who's only ever built a snowman in their backyard.
Comments: 4
When driving around in the countryside the last thing you want to happen is to find out you bought you vehicle from a complete joker - OMG!
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