Star Wars Graffitti
Despite the prequels, everyone loves Star wars. So much so that they will even risk imprisonment to create Star Wars art! There's no chance for Lucas to mess these up unless he's got a bucket of whitewash.
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Photographer Andy Lee uses an interesting technique to capture stunning photos of the Icelandic landscape in a painterly fashion—he uses a lens that picks up infrared light.
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Forget iApps & all the other cool features that Apple's little baby has in it's armoury, because the camera is where it's all at - It's easy to use & the weapon of choice, as these willing lovlies so wonderfully demonstrate!
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Not only are these off-putting but they a simply the most cringingly, hilrariously awful covers imaginable, and every single one of them is genuine. I don't know about you but I want a copy of that Tractor men one...
Comments: 626
A selection of 40 pics that couldn't really have been timed any better. You've got to either be one lucky son of a gun, or a photo taking ninja to get shots as brilliantly daft and hillarious as these.
Comments: 30
Lets face it, people are a very strange fruit, sure we are all prone to behavining as a norm in everyday situations, but change the background picture, or calmness into chaos and it seems like little changes.
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A random bunch of über-hot non-fishfaces that we can all agree are ball-achingly SUPER-HOT. Hotter than salsa dancing on the moon in an acrylic jumpsuit. Hotter than sitting on a barbecue dressed as Jabba the Hut. Etc.
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They might be annoying at times but health and safety rules are there for a reason. They are there to stop idiots like the ones here from endangering themselves and everyone around them with their comically calamitous hijinks.
Comments: 43
This is the work of Rolling Stone photographer Mark Seliger. He makes unique portraits of celebrities that are intimate, sensual and incredibly stylish. These masterpieces (little bit NSFW) include Gwyneth Paltrow, Leonardo DiCaprio and Heidi Klum.
Comments: 16
There comes a point in every mans life when trying to stay in shape is an uphill struggle and you might as well just give in to the Gut. If you're going to grow your own then it might as well be one that's big enough to rest a pint on!
Comments: 9
This would definitely be top of my 'things to get before someone chews off my arm' essentials. I just got to get me one of these before the dead decide to rise, you can never be TOO prepared!
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