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Squeaky Bug
For some reason i find this strangely adorable. It looks like a huge caterpillar, and it's either loving being squeezed, or screaming 'SEXUAL HARASSMENT!' - Either way, today you learned caterpillars could make noise.
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You, too, can help prevent party fouls by performing this simple test on your friends. If you think about it you are actually doing them a favour by not letting them operate heavy machinery or drive a car. RIGHT!
Comments: 2
If you’ve spent your entire teenage years getting ripped to the eyeballs on MDMA powder in Ibiza while mainlining whiskey into your ears, then this sort of behaviour just goes with the territory really!
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The life of a Fairtrade banana, as you can see from this video, is in many ways an enviable life...
Comments: 1
Imagine if you were a dog and you were let off your lease and you sprinted off to find the sea because you really, really wanted to go for a swim—well you don't have to because this video will do it for you.
Comments: 8
This super nerd brings together a levitating superconductor and a bewildering Möbius strip made from over 2,000 magnets which allows it to seemingly float both above and below the track. It’s witchcraft.
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Claiming to be a mod but looking suspiciously real-world, this video has impressive nostalgia value. From the 'animations' of the enemy soldiers to the Natalia character getting stuck on a door frame.
Comments: 109
If you've ever smoked a little too much and found yourself in a place where it's less about recreation and more about survival, then this should sound familiar. Here's a tip for you; don't try driving...
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A rare deleted scene from Star Trek 2 was recently found in the basement of Paramount Studios. This powerful scene gives more insight and depth to the classic 1982 film. Enjoy this exclusive sneak peek.
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It might not sound like an enthralling match, but it turns out better than you might think. If in doubt, never put $$$ on a cat. They are unpredictable & smart enough that they probably have money on the fight too...
Comments: 10
Instead of a boring commute these people decided to try some urban improv to liven up their day by coming under attack from alien intruders! Live without a dull day.
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