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Split Screen Bohemian Rhapsody
Richie Castellano recently had the honor of meeting and performing for Roger Taylor, the drummer for Queen. To commemorate this experience, he decided to record this split screen video of his favorite song of all time!
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He might be royalty, but he's just like you or me (except with ginger hair). If an ice cream van goes past, he still has the everyman pavlovian response to reach for his wallet and run like the wind so that he can get a 99 flake.
Comments: 2
When it's time to stop playing soldiers and get back to the canteen for dinner these soldiers will board a chopper on the side of a mountain!
Comments: 0
Having to stop you car because a duck is crossing the road isn't too much of an imposition. Stopping for 55 ducks as they cross the road slowly, in single file is slightly more annoying. WHY U NO FLY, DUCKS!?
Comments: 2
The dog knew how to work the rope swing better than the kid. This is what happens when you pay for the dog to go to school but send your kid to public school.
Comments: 3
Sure Sergeant Pugsley might have a drinking problem, and sure he might be a bit of a maverick. And, yeah ok, he might be a dog who poops outside, but he’s the best damn soldier you could ever hope for, goddammit!
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Everyone wants to be Don Draper, drinking whiskey, smoking cigarettes and having hot women lust after you whenever you walk into a room. But it’s never going to happen, so instead make do with this Mad Men game.
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If she is like that with potato chips think what she is going to be like when you get they saucy little minx home, she would go totally wild on you.
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Two girls pretend to play dead. One girl plays it safe, while the other goes for gritty realism, bouncing her head off the windowsill. She should definitely get the role if she ever wakes up.
Comments: 2
Everyone is anxiously awaiting his next song all about watermelon!
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Quite possibly the most realistic bear driving simulator that has ever been created using MSPaint. This game is so packed full of awesome it will make your head explode. Possibly.
Comments: 492