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Speed Cooking
Getting married & need to cater for 50 guests but can't be bothered? Well, help is at hand, with this handy bit of advice you can feed 50 hungry mouths in just 3 minutes. Just make sure the future wife is there to clean up.
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Werribee Open Range Zoo receives a pair of new gorillas to their park. The public wait with baited breath to see the new residents, but they are in for a slight shock as the apes make monkeys out of them.
Comments: 75
Making mischief and wrecking the place, I might not know what this thing is but I still want one. No in fact, I want a whole army of them!
Comments: 0
There is a myth of a cat, more terrifying than the tea party getting in to power. A cat they say was created by dead gods from another dimension. Avoid it if you can, blink in its company at your peril.
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The boys from Valve have added a whole new team to Team Fortress 2. Where there was once just Red and Blu, there is now Red, Blu and Mech. A team comprised of nuts, bolts and microchips is challenging. Will you accept the call?
Comments: 1
The police officer in the back avoided being sandwiched between the van and the Cadillac by less than twelve inches. The officer that was hit luckily only suffered minor bruises.
Comments: 2
Old Gold time! 1998 was one hell of a drug. It was if this guy is anything to go by. He says cryptic computery things and sports a rapist beard. Also, he's a macfag, just in case you thought it couldn't get any worse.
Comments: 2
You can’t beat a good “NOOOOOOO!!!”, it sums up all the drama and over-the-top appeal of fictionalised moving images. And here are a bunch of them all edited together for our pleasure.
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The Asads are an Australian family known for their bad behavior, and Michael protects that reputation with his fists.
Comments: 6
Getting a tramp stamp should be a proud moment, full of joy & smiles - She's screaming because she's having a REALLY good time. Isn't that obvious? I thought chicks were meant to be better at taking pain. FAIL!
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This is probably the greatest video on Youtube ever made ever! Well, until that new one comes out in about 2 second's time, but until then enjoy the greatest video ever made. EVAR!
Comments: 2