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Mann Versus Machine
The boys from Valve have added a whole new team to Team Fortress 2. Where there was once just Red and Blu, there is now Red, Blu and Mech. A team comprised of nuts, bolts and microchips is challenging. Will you accept the call?
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I think it's official. Bike officers must be the ones who aren't smart enough to graduate the police academy but are willing to get on a bike wearing those stupid shorts.
Comments: 178
It's kinda like a faucet but instead of the noise of running water you're also treated to an impressive ringpiece solo. This guy tries to make it sound like an F1 engine, but I know my sounds, and that's a fart.
Comments: 1
What we can take away from this awesome Romanian ad for car insurance is that Romanian women are definitely built better than Romanian cars.
Comments: 3
If you’re worried what gay marriage might do to straight marriage, then look no further than this video to stoke your fire. These terrifying conversations are occurring in the homes of straight couples everywhere right now.
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Just remember as you’re watching this horror show of a video, people paid $1,300 to go to this event. However, it does succeed at one thing: being one of the worst songs ever written.
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Haters, they’re gonna hate, right? So fight them with embracing love. At least that’s what these guys have done, instead of fighting fire with fire, they’ve thanked the trolls for their services to hate.
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If you're going to pretend to paint someones car, someones very expensive car, then you have to expect a pretty hostile reaction to your little prank at their expense, but this might have been a bit much.
Comments: 1
Boston Dynamics, the company that brought you a robot that looks like a dog and can't be kicked over have been hard at work on their latest invention; a robot that looks like a car and can jump over walls! Hurrah!
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If you were wondering why anyone would want to buy a micro car, then just take a look at these clowns (not literally clowns) driving around the centre of Amsterdam and you'll instantly see why.
Comments: 87
Airbag pranks are ten-a-penny o the internets, but DAMN are they funny. The most enjoyment I've got out of them has bee from this montage so it comes highly recommended. Some are truly spectacular. Enjoy!
Comments: 3